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Samsung announces bada mobile development platform to add

ABI Research Blog

Samsung announces bada mobile development platform to add

November 16, 2009

Rich, connected Internet experiences are typical on smartphones. However, smartphones represent a small part of the mobile handset market today. Samsung is looking to address this gap by announcing a new mobile platform for application developers to extend these experiences to the balance of handset users.

Bada Korean for ocean is Samsungs new mobile development platform for application and service developers. Few details are available today on the capabilities enabled by bada. The company emphasizes that it will offer developer friendliness for web services and applications, suggesting that one might be able to purchase a movie ticket on a low-cost handset and have it add a calendar event and alarm reminder. This level of integration with non-smartphone handsets is not feasible today. Bada-powered handsets are expected from Samsung during the first half of 2010. Developer days are scheduled in Korea, UK and US this coming January.

The OS ecosystem for mobile devices continues to expand, while many would hope it could consolidate and attract more developers to a few essential platforms. Can Samsung breathe content and application excitement into the enhanced phone and ultra-low cost handset segments?

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