Distributed Antenna Systems Market Shifts to North American Enterprises as Growth Surges in Asia Pacific

Worldwide DAS Market Revenue to Top $19 Billion by 2025
03 Oct 2016

ABI Research forecasts the in-building wireless market revenue will grow to more than $19 billion by 2025. The North American enterprise market for buildings in the 100,000 to 500,000 square feet floor area range represents the majority of Distributed Antenna System (DAS) spending today. The segment will continue to gain share and account for 70% of the North American market in 2025. But it is the Asia-Pacific region that will experience the most rapid growth. A DAS is one way of distributing cellular coverage and capacity inside buildings when the existing macro network signals cannot penetrate the buildings.

“While the Asia-Pacific region, today, accounts for a fraction of the total market, thanks to its large and rapidly growing 4G subscriber base, we predict that this region will experience the greatest DAS growth through 2025,” says Nick Marshall, Research Director at ABI Research. “The region will experience four times the growth of North America and multiply its market revenue by seven. Given this trajectory, we anticipate the Asia-Pacific market to exceed the North American market sometime in 2022.”

Through 2025, 4G will dominate DAS spending. ABI Research forecasts the first commercial 5G in-building systems will deploy sometime in 2021 in the Asia-Pacific and North America regions.

“North America will continue to be maturing market for DAS,” concludes Marshall. “As building structures that are greater than 500,000 square feet, such as high profile sports stadiums and airports, already have DAS systems, spend is now shifting to smaller buildings since subscribers demand 24/7 connectivity everywhere.”

These findings are from ABI Research’s In-Building Wireless Forecast. This report is part of the company’s Future Networks sector, which includes research, data, and analyst insights.

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