This presentation is a summary and companion piece to the dataset “TV as a Service: Middleware, CAS, DRM, Encoders, CDN” (MD-TVAAS-102). It summarizes the topline forecasts and trends in the following markets:
- Encoders and Transcoders (Fixed Contribution, Broadcast, File-Based Multi-Format, and Live Streaming Multi-Format)
- Video Hardware (Production, Post-Production, VOD, and Content Delivery Networks (CDN) Systems)
- Broadband Hardware (Cable, DSL and Fiber categories)
- Satellite Services (Video Distribution, Retail Broadband, Government, and Enterprise)
- Middleware (Comprehensive Middleware Offerings and Guide/Data-Oriented Solutions)
- Content Protection (Conditional Access Systems [CAS] and Digital Rights Management [DRM])
- Cloud Video Services (CDN and Video Platform and Services)