Hot Tech Innovators: Automotive Electrification

Price: Starting at USD 3,000
Publish Date: 14 Mar 2018
Code: PT-1877
Research Type: Presentation
Pages: 14
Hot Tech Innovators: Automotive Electrification
RELATED SERVICE: Smart Mobility & Automotive

Safe, sustainable personal mobility sits at the center of all of the prevailing automotive megatrends: automation, connectivity, artificial intelligence, and car sharing in a mobility as a service (MaaS) framework. It is now universally accepted among stakeholders that this core vision of safe and sustainable mobility cannot be achieved so long as transportation modes depend upon an internal combustion engine (ICE).

Having established the BEV as the alternative powertrain of choice for OEMs, the EV ecosystem now faces a number of challenging years ahead. The total penetration of EVs in passenger vehicles remains little more than a rounding error, with the adoption of parallel automotive megatrends such as automation, connectivity and smart mobility services overtaking that of electric powertrains. The EV ecosystem must now recognize that the opportunity for consumer owned, passenger electric vehicles is declining, and instead examine how they can support adoption of electric powertrains within a smart mobility context.