Industrial Critical Infrastructure Security

Price: Starting at USD 7,500
Publish Date: 05 May 2023
Code: MD-IDCIS-102
Research Type: Market Data
Industrial Critical Infrastructure Security
RELATED SERVICE AND SPOTLIGHTS: OT Cybersecurity Industrial Control System Security

Market Data Issue: MD-IDCIS-102 | Published: 05 May 2023

Actionable Benefits

Actionable Benefits

  • Identify areas of digital security spending in industrial Critical Infrastructure (CI).
  • Assess security budgets in various energy, transport, and water & waste management sectors.
  • Optimize security sales strategies based on security spending trends by sector, operator, and spending type, including Operational Technology (OT) versus Information Technology (IT) services.
Critical Questions Answered

Critical Questions Answered

  • How much will the different industrial CI sectors be spending on digital security?
  • How does OT and IoT spending compare with IT security spending in major industrial sectors?
  • What are the spending trends: which operators will be spending, what products will they be focusing on, and in which regions and countries?
  • How are digital security spending patterns changing across the forecast period and with regard to security demand?
Research Highlights

Research Highlights

  • A detailed breakdown of digital security spending by industrial sectors into three segments: energy, transport, and water & waste management.
  • Further breakout of spending by operator (government, industry, etc.) and by type (IT, OT, counter measures, policies & procedures, etc.).
  • Data availability by region and across 10 countries.
Who Should Read This?

Who Should Read This?

  • Digital security vendors to understand target markets in industrial CI.
  • Industrial CI operators to optimize security budgets.
  • Decision makers within governments and regulatory bodies in order to ensure proper spending and budget allocation for industrial CI protection.

Pivot Table Datasets

Industrial Critical Infrastructure Security Spending
6 Columns | 2880 Rows | Show Segments

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Industrial Critical Infrastructure Security
Industrial Critical Infrastructure Security
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Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security: Securing Networks and Endpoints
Critical Infrastructure Security: Industrial Cybersecurity
Critical Infrastructure Security: Industrial Cybersecurity
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