The commercial vehicle telematics industry in China is expected to continue solid growth across the five-year horizon. Its commercial trucking market is about 3X the United States. Similarly, commercial telematics system subscriptions are expected to rise from over 5.8 million last year to 15.9 million in 2024. The industry itself is extremely fragmented and competitive, with significant price pressure and overloading challenges.
Telematics vendors and related value chain partners targeting the commercial telematics industry in China need to comprehend that while the technical architecture of the vehicles are complementary to those found in other countries, there are multiple operational challenges to succeed.
ABI Research covers leading domestic providers G7, 666GPS, Meitrack and Shenzhen Huabao, as well as ecosystem partners such as Manbang Group, Shenzhen Yiliu Technology, NavInfo, TuSimple , Horizon Robotics and iDriverPlus. Additional coverage includes regulatory impact, communications technology and market forecasts.