The high-power pulsed RF semiconductor device market is primarily driven by several specific sub-segments. For the purposes of this report, they are as follows:
- Avionics
- Sub-1 GHz Radar
- L-Band Radar
- S-Band Radar
The end-customers for these devices are primarily the worldwide air traffic control system both airborne and ground-based, as well as commercial and military radar systems.
The purpose of this application note is to examine the worldwide market for high-power RF semiconductors for pulsed applications. The avionics, Sub-1 GHz, L-Band, and S-Band radar markets for the above devices are reviewed. The forecast interval is from 2018 to 2023, and the market is forecast in terms of revenue and market share. Also included is actual sales data for 2016 and 2017. This study focuses on high-power RF semiconductors that have more than 3 watts of peak output power and frequencies of operation up to 4 GHz. It does not examine RF power devices that are used for non-pulsed applications, except for low-power driver chains for high-power pulsed devices.