The Commercial Market Value For Wi-Fi Sensing

Price: Starting at USD 0
Publish Date: 10 Feb 2023
Code: WP-1017
Research Type: Whitepaper
Pages: 20
The Commercial Market Value For Wi-Fi Sensing
Wi-Fi Sensing is a nascent technology that leverages Radio Frequency (RF) signals from pre-existing Wi-Fi infrastructure to detect presence and motion. The technology has undergone rapid development, progressing from a mere academic theory a decade ago, to one of the most competitive positioning solutions currently on the market today.
The final standardization of Wi-Fi Sensing (802.11bf) by the IEEE is on
track for September 2024, at which time Wi-Fi will evolve from a communication-only standard to a dual-function technology that forms a fundamental component of the future of Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC). The enhanced capabilities of Wi-Fi, combining communication and sensing, will raise the overall value of Wi-Fi deployments and devices over the coming decade and lead to valuable new services being created across both consumer and enterprise Wi-Fi deployments.
Wi-Fi Sensing is still in the early stages of its development, with substantial untapped potential. Standardization will play a vital role in facilitating the maturity and scalability of the technology, as it will help resolve the technical challenges hindering widespread adoption, enable vendor interoperability, accelerate innovation, and boost awareness and confidence in the new technology.