Virtual Workforces: Training, Recruitment, and Hiring using AR and VR

Price: Starting at USD 3,000
Publish Date: 23 Sep 2020
Code: PT-2368
Research Type: Presentation
Pages: 19
Virtual Workforces: Training, Recruitment, and Hiring using AR and VR
Actionable Benefits

Actionable Benefits

  • Understand how AR/VR tools can address HR challenges and unlock new opportunities for businesses looking to innovate.
  • Optimize HR digital transformation journey with the assistance of AR and VR.
  • Identify high value use cases and applications for AR and VR across HR workflows and requirements
  • Empower employees and companies to improve recruitment, hiring, training, and collaboration experience during COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Identify potential partnerships and collaborations across AR/VR hardware, software, and services.
Critical Questions Answered

Critical Questions Answered

  • How AR and VR tools can empower HR processes?
  • What are the killer AR and VR applications and use cases for HR departments?
  • What is a reasonable timeline for AR and VR adoption and rollout in HR to extract the most value?
  • What does the competitive AR/VR landscape look like, and how does that impact HR digitization planning?
Research Highlights

Research Highlights

  • AR and VR based HR use cases and active users for AR devices.
  • Best practices and strategic recommendations that will allow AR/VR solutions to meet HR needs.
  • Examination of common HR applications and how AR and VR can be integrated and add value: talent acquisition, onboarding, candidate assessment, collaboration, and training.
  • Examples of active successful implementations across these uses.
  • HR digital transformation best practices, realistic timeline expectations, and increasing/decreasing opportunities and threats.
Who Should Read This?

Who Should Read This?

  • Decision makers who need to understand the maturity level of AR and VR use cases for HR functions.
  • HR professionals that are planning to accelerate HR digital transformation, or actively using AR/VR and looking for scalable opportunity.
  • AR/MR OEMs and solution provides active in or targeting training, hiring, collaboration, and remote support.

Table of Contents

Market Data

How AR/VR Solutions Can Empower HR Departments

Recommendations and Outlook

Use Cases and Applications

Talent Acquisition and Employee Onboarding
Candidate Assessment
Employee Collaboration
Employee Training