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Will Terahertz Communications Become the Next Battlefront for 6G?

07 Oct 2022 | IN-6707

Terahertz (THz) communications is one of the candidate technologies being discussed for 6G, but it has an upfront battle to overcome. The challenge of delivering 1 Terabits per Second (Tbps ) and 1 Millisecond (ms) latency, and overcoming severe limitations of signal transmission distance (limited to just a couple of meters) and coverage range all add to the list of challenges already facing Millimeter Wave (mmWave) 5G today. The good news is that some of these severe problems can be addressed by candidate technologies, such as high data rates (addressed by the Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) transceiver), low latency (addressed by channel/network coding), and limited transmission range (addressed by reflectarray). Some of these technologies are already being used to address adjacent areas, but their application in 6G has not yet begun.
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