Industrial Virtualization, Visualization, and Simulation Market Tracker

Price: Starting at USD 7,500
Publish Date: 22 May 2019
Code: MD-IVVS-101
Research Type: Market Data
Industrial Virtualization, Visualization, and Simulation Market Tracker

Market Data Issue: MD-IVVS-101 | Published: 22 May 2019


Simulation software holds much more potential that what it has fulfilled so far because it can help industrial companies build manufacturing systems, lines, and plants correctly the first time and plan for many other new technologies.

Industry 4.0 started as the synergies between many emerging transformative technologies presented themselves. No single technology drives this movement, but simulation software holds the potential to act as a catalyst for a whole host of them. If simulation software can accurately predict the effects of other technologies on the core goals of manufacturers (i.e., more production, more uptime, improved time to market, improved quality, fewer delays, more efficiencies, greater utilization of assets, all at lower costs), then industrial companies will deploy more technologies at scale with greater confidence.

At this time, developed countries and China have seen some significant adoption and market penetration, but many manufacturing enterprises have not yet realized the added benefits of using simulation software as part of a larger Smart Manufacturing platform or to virtually test other new technologies. In ABI Research’s Simulation in Manufacturing Systems Data, we forecast the number of users and the revenue of plant simulation software in the nine leading industries for adoption and additionally segment by country. We also provide a market share breakdown for 2018 segmented by region and process vs. discrete manufacturing industries.